Syafaruddin Marpaung


Abstract :This study aims to (1) know the implementation of English competence test at LKP Vijaya Learning Center, (2) to describe the constraints faced by LKP Vijaya Learning Center in conducting English competence test, and (3) to know the efforts undertaken by LKP Vijaya Learning Center in overcoming the problem. Qualitative research methodology with case study research type is applied in this research. The research location is at LKP Vijaya Learning Center Tanjungbalai. The results obtained by the implementation of English competence test was the first time conducted at LKP Vijaya Learning Center finds out that the competency test involving 150 participants. The Obstacles in conducting this test are lack of readiness from the participants, lack of information spread among society, schools or other institutions about English Competency Test. To overcome these obstacles, some accurate steps are accomplished by LKP Vijaya, i.e : preparing English course  materials in accordance with the competency test, socializing this test to other LKPs and persuading them to take part in this  competency test, and proposing to the government to acknowledge the existence of this English competency test as a replacement for  TOEFl test and TOEIC test. It can be concluded that the implementation of English competence test in LKP Vijaya Learning Center for in its initial attempt goes well, but it needs to be improved for the next stage, such as the certificate of competency test being aligned with the TOEFL and TOEIC certificates.


Keywords: analysis, competency test of English, LKP VIJAYA LEARNING CENTER

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