Rizky Fauziah


Indonesia is the most high risked of disaster in the world since a lot of volcanoes exist in the country. Total of disaster events is increasing year to year, from 2015-2019 particularly. Every disaster usually has difficulties for handling recovery phase. The former institution for handling disaster in Indonesia, the national committee named Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia (BNPB) still facing serious problem to solve recovery phase and volunteerism is one of the very significant solution. There is several type of volunteer and one of them is spontaneous volunteer. They bring good impact for recovery phase because they are the first one that can access and help the disaster prone area. During chaos time, social media function helps a lot to distribute information and to divide job desk. Indonesia is one of the biggest user of social media specially Twitter and Instagram. Thus, the importance of understanding the social media during disaster become really important to help spontaneous volunteer help in recovery phase.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33330/icossit.v1i1.871

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