Dewi Maharani, Maulana Dwi Sena


Many companies conduct assessments to improve employee performance, including Ibu Kartini Hospital. Components of performance appraisal, the number of employees, and assess-ment results become the main data of researchers. To avoid subjective and inaccurate judgments because of the large number of elements being assessed and the number of em-ployees to be assessed, the researcher assists the Hospital in finding the best employees by using Decision Support System Technology. Through a comparison of 2 methods, the Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP) and the Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT), the researcher will conduct a com-parative analysis to produce an accurate value. The MFEP method is a method that considers several factors that influ-ence alternatives. While the MAUT method is a method that has a final evaluation scheme with weights and values that are relevant to the alternative. As a result, the MFEP method pro-duces 2 of the best employees, namely KRS52 and KRS59. While the MAUT method produces 1 of the best employees, namely KRS52.

Keywords: maut; mfep; the best employee

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