Mardalius Mardalius


China is facing an outbreak of a virus known offi-cially as the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (abbreviated 2019-nCoV). This newly identified type of coro-navirus was first detected in Wuhan, China. Coro-navirus is a family of viruses that cause diseases of the respiratory tract. Between 15% - 30% of cases of common influenza are thought to be caused by a coronavirus. MERS and SARS outbreaks are also caused by a coronavirus. Coronavirus problems continue to grow day by day, even faster develop-ment. The public needs to understand the situation and know the development of coronavirus at this time, therefore it is necessary to build a web-based information system with a CodeIgniter framework and leaflets to facilitate monitoring of the devel-opment of coronavirus in various countries in real-time.

Keywords: codeigniter; covid-19; geographic information system; leaflet; mapping

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