Rolly Yesputra, Cecep Maulana


The development of information technology has caused many changes in various fields, especially for including education. It is related to whether ready or not ready, but online service system should be provided by educational institutions. STMIK Royal as an information technology has prepared the tools to respond to this condition. Likewise, services to all students which we found that would be done
by academic advisors. And an academic advisor is a type of counselor who works with students, usually at the college level. However, they are the ones responsible for helping students in the academic process when they follow the subjects every day. Many problems must be consulted with the academic advisor. For this reason, the guardianship information system needs to be developed as a media for a
guardian lecturer in carrying out his/her duties as an academic supervisor. Therefore, this system can be used online with the facility and to record every activity, for example: make daily, monthly, and annual reports. The academic advisor of information system was developed by applying the prototyping method in the development stage. The prototyping method is suitable to support the software
development. By integrating this information system, it was easier, especially for an academic advisor to monitor the students and also to guided student development.

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