Mhd Ihsan


This study aims to determine the effect of the Think Pair Share Cooperative Learning Model on class XI student learning outcomes in the subject of the Qur'an Hadith on the Function of Hadith on the Qur'an. Variable X about the application of the cooperative learning model type of think pair share (eps) in learning the Holly Quran of Hadith is 79. Variable Y regarding the learning outcomes of the Holly Quran of Hadith students of Class XI of Religion is 82. Through hypothesis testing obtained a simple regression equation Y = a + Bx = 11.65 + 0.895 (96) = 11.65 + 85.92 = 97.57 used to predict the value in the variable. So the value of applying the cooperative learning model type think pair share in learning the Qur'an Hadith to 97.57 if the value of the learning outcomes of the Qur'an Hadith increased to 96. This simple regression equation means that for an increase in X by 1, then the average value of Y must be increased amounted to 96: 97.57 = 0.9839089884 rounded up 65 to 0.984 so that 1> 0.984 which means the application of the cooperative learning model type think pair share affects the learning outcomes of the Holly Quran of Hadith.

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