Ari Dermawan


Interconnection networking is an important medium in daily life and provides many benefits, especially information that is faster and easier to get. E-commerce transactions or shopping at the Online Store allows the occurrence of fraud in selling goods or products offered. The number of problems that arise in buying and selling in Online Stores such as advertising an item or product does not match the original image or form and reality, to the goods or services not accepted by consumers, and so forth. The problem taken from this research is how the application of the criminal law of image retrieval of goods sold through online and how the efforts made to overcome the occurrence of criminal acts of fraud selling goods through online. This study uses a normative juridical approach using data obtained through library research, namely legislation, books, papers and other documents relating to research. Based on the results of the discussion it can be concluded that a person can be said to be committing fraud pictures of goods sold through online if they meet the basic elements of: Subjective and Objective Elements.

Keywords: fraud; image; online

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33330/icossit.v1i1.752

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