jeperson hutahaean, Wily Julitawaty


The purpose of this study was to analyze the extent of the influence of platform assistance, concern for others, expressing positive feelings, economic incentives, and helping the company on consumer purchase decisions in Ayam Geprek Mak Judes Medan.  There are 98 respondents with a sampling technique that is probability sampling with an accidental sampling approach. Quantitative research methods with multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS analysis tool version 20.0.  The results of this study indicate that platform assistance, expressing positive feelings, economic incentives, and helping the company have a positive and significant effect on consumer purchase decisions at Ayam Geprek Mak Judes Medan. While concern for others has a positive but not significant effect on consumer purchase decisions at Ayam Geprek Mak Judes Medan.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33330/icossit.v1i1.728

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