Student Interest in Calculus Learning at STMIK Royal Kisaran

Ulfah Syuhada Nasution


The purpose of this study was to determine the interest in learning of computer system study program students in the Calculus course at STMIK Royal Kisaran. This research is descriptive research. The population in this study were all semester 1 students of the Royal Exemplary Range STMIK computer system study program. The samples in this study were class 1 A and 1C computer systems. The computer system class 1A is 30 and the computer system class is 30. research result

that as many as 10% of computer system study program students have less interest in Calculus courses, 73.3% of computer system study program students have sufficient interest in Calculus subjects, and 16.67% of computer system study program students have a good interest in Calculus subjects.

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