Rina Julita, Meli Gustina, Arius Satoni Kurniawansyah


Abstract: This study aims to implement Naive Bayes method to classify the patients by using RapidMiner software. So, the calculations generated from Naive Bayes method in accordance with the result of calculations that are implemented with RapidMiner software. The specific objectives in this study is to analyze the accuracy level of the use Naive Bayes method in classifying patients based  on the status. This study was conducted at Puskesmas Sawah Lebar Bengkulu from December 2016 until October 2017. In this study, the data collection is done by using observation method and library research. The result showed that there is implementation of Naive Bayes by using RapidMiner software in classifying patients based on patient status and the calculation process can be more objective, run well and fast.


Keyword : Naive Bayes, RapidMiner

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