Firmansyah Firmansyah, Rizky Fauziah, Yori Apridonal


Abstract: Decision support systems are interactive information systems that provide information, model data, and manipulate data. Customer satisfaction is the degree to which a performance achievement of a product received by the customer is the same as using the customer's own expectations, the customer is satisfied when he finishes buying the product, the quality of the product is good. In the Dunia Sakti showroom, the measurement of the level of customer satisfaction has not been systemized and there is no method used to measure the level of customer satisfaction and motorcycle sales at the Dunia Sakti Showroom fluctuate every year. This research method uses a quantitative research approach. The purpose of this research method is to describe the object under study, namely the service of selling motorcycle products which is calculated by the service quality method. The results of this study assess 5 dimensions, namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. From these 5 dimensions, it was obtained from the number of respondents as many as 31 people. From the number of respondents stated that 4 dimensions were satisfied and 1 dimension of empathy did not feel fasting because it was worth less than 0.7.


Abstract: Decision Support System; Customer Satisfaction; Service Quality Method.



Abstrak: Sistem pendukung keputusan adalah sistem informasi interaktif yang menyediakan informasi, memodelkan data, dan memanipulasi data. Kepuasan pelanggan adalah taraf dimana suatu pencapaian performa asal sebuah produk yg diterima oleh pelanggan sama menggunakan ekspektasi pelanggan itu sendiri, Pelanggan puas bila selesainya membeli produk tersebut, ternyata kualitas produknya baik. Di showroom Dunia Sakti pengukuran tingkat kepuasan pelanggan belum tersistem dan belum adanya metode yang digunkan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pelanggan serta penjualan sepeda motor di Showroom Dunia Sakti mengalami fluktuasi setiap tahunnya. Metode penelitian ini memakai pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif. Tujuan metode penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan objek yang diteliti yaitu pelayanan penjualan produk sepeda motor yang dihitung dengan service quality method. Hasil dari penelitian ini menilai 5 dimensi yaitu tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, dan emphty. Dari 5 dimensi tersebut tersebut diperoleh dari jumlah responden sebanyak 31 orang. Dari jumlah responden tersebut menyatakan 4 dimensi merasa puas dan 1 dimensi emphaty tidak merasa puasa karena bernilai kurang dari 0,7.


Kata kunci: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan; Kepuasan Pelanggan; Metode Service Quality.


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