K-MEANS CLUSTERING HWI PRODUCTS (Case Study: HWI Kisaran Distributor)

Risnawati Risnawati, Rohminatin Rohminatin


HWI products are types of products in the form of food and health drinks and beauty products which are marketed and have been certified by DINKES, BPPOM, MUI and others, and provide excellent quality at relatively affordable prices and have re- leased 34 products. This HWI product itself can be obtained from an official HWI Distributor that has been verified. Of the many consumers and the many types of products registered with HWI distributors, the distributor makes a product supply without limit- ing the supply, but the large stock of products avail- able at the distributor does not guarantee that the consumer needs it, but it causes loss and income in- stability. In this study the method used is the K- Means Clustering method of 15 samples of product types. The data used and taken from the last 5 years namely 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 to do the grouping of data with the provisions of 3 clusters are Very in demand, in demand, and in demand. The results of the study and group-ing data by the K- Means Clustering method of 3 clusters determined there are 2 products with very best-selling clus-ters, 6 products with best-selling clusters, and 7 products with less-selling clusters.

Keywords: cluster; goods stock; HWI products; k-means clustering

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33330/icossit.v1i1.824

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