Fauriatun Helmiah, Dahriansyah Dahriansyah


Tria Ms Glow is a skincare reseller of Ms Glow brand located in the city of Stabat, at this time Ms. Glow's products are demanded by many consumers especially women. But over time the demand for Ms Glow products more and makes the owner a little overwhelmed with the number of requests so to avoid and minimize future loss-es, it is necessary to have a sales forecasting activity us-ing the Least Square method, Least Square method is one of the methods in the form of data series periodic or time series, which required sales data in the past to forecast sales in the future. In this case, the data used is sales data from January to March 2020. The result is forecasting applications can help Tria Ms. Glow in predicting skin-care sales in the next period according to needs. In this case, the next period is the following month based on the last month entered.

Keywords: metode least square; sales forcesting; tria ms glow

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