Syartika Anggraini


The research is a discriptive analysis research, that aims to describe the difficulties faced by students while studying discrete mathematics and the factors that cause difficulties themselves. It is needs to be studied in depth so that discrete mathematics learning for the new smester the difficulties experienced by students can be minimized by the new teaching method by paying attention to class conditions during learning. The subjects of this study were information system student in second smesters (SI 2I), STMIK Royal Kisaran which numbered 33 people. This study aims to examine the results of students learning discrete mathematics, and examine what factors are causing students difficulty learning discrete mathematics. The methods used is a mix method which is qualitative methods and quantitative methods. Data collections as the result of discrete mathematics learning outcomes, and mathematical learning difficulty questionnaire data. The results showed that most students still had difficulty learning discrete mathematics. This is because an average value is 49,79 the value category is in a low range, which is less.

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