Riki Andri Yusda, William Ramdhan


In the community there are so many controversies about alcoholic products that some people doubt the halal nature of the Islamic religion. Alcoholic drinks are classified as intoxicating drinks or also called khamar, then what about perfume. The use of alcohol as a mixture for perfume is well known, many perfumes circulating in the community have alcohol levels that are too high. Therefore we need a tool to be able to identify alcohol levels in perfumes that can be displayed digitally. This alcohol level identification tool consists of a minimum ATMega microcontroller system that functions as a system control center, mq-3 sensor to determine the alcohol level contained in a perfume which is then displayed on the LCD as an information displayer. This study aims to measure alcohol level in perfumes used in everyday life. This tool works by utilizing the characteristics of the MQ-3 sensor which has a change in the output voltage in the form of an analog signal, where the output voltage is proportional to the change in alcohol gas levels detected. The alcohol values that is processed in digital form then  displayed on the LCD.

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