Bachtiar Efendi


Demand for fresh organic vegetables is not balanced with the market supply often leads to unstable prices and tends to be expensive. Likewise, the demand for freshwater fish as a side dish continues to increase. While organic vegetable farming and freshwater fish ponds are getting fewer. Utilization of narrow land such as houses coated to grow vegetables and raising fish in a hydroponic and intercropping manner is one solution to the fulfillment of organic vegetables and minimal fresh fish for the family itself. However, narrow land such as the house territory was very poorly lit as a condition for growing vegetables well. The use of led growth as a substitute for a source of sunlight can help vegetables flourish. The intensity of the led light and the length of the irradiation are controlled by a microcontroller chip, as well as for regulating water flow using a water pump from the fish pond below.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33330/icossit.v1i1.801

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