Neni Mulyani, Muhammad Sabir Ramadhan


This study aims to describe the technology based entrepreneurial activity, to elaborate the efforts to improve students’ and graduates interest to be the doers of technopreneurship, and to compile a document which will be the direction of development to lead technopreneurship in at STMIK Royal in particular and Asahan District as a whole. This study used qualitative approach, the data collected by observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation, that located in 2 districts in the Province of Asahan. This study concludes that, low competitiveness of the product by small and medium business in Kabupaten Asahan is caused by limited technology mastery among entrepreneurs. If there are any technological innovations, it’s temporally only for exhibition purpose in regional and national scale, not to enhance the quality of products, diversification and efficiency in short-term, as well as sustainable increased of production, their income increased, and or business extension profit in the long-term. Technopreneurship development that partnership by STMIK Royal - Asahan District is the best practice to extend and strengthen technopreneurs in the region. Students interest in entrepreneurship can be increased by research based learning and student centered learning.

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