Endra Saputra


The use of Information Technology is growing very rapidly, one of which is the use of the internet. In the last 5 (five) years, the use of the internet, especially among students has indicated a significant increase. Various offers in the form of internet data package promos from cellular operators are given to them so that it affects the behavior of students as loyal consumers of the products (internet data packages) they provide. This study aims to explain the phenomenon of student behavior as consumers of cellular operators towards the use of internet data packages. The population and sample in this study are STMIK Royal Kisaran students as consumers of Internet Service Provider Operators. The research method used is a quantitative method with data collection techniques through a questionnaire. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The conclusion in this study is expected to provide a comprehensive explanation of whatever factors that influence consumer behavior, especially students of STMIK Royal Kisaran for the use of internet data packages.

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