Nasrun Marpaung


Besides doing activities and diligent exercise, maintaining diet and health is very important for everyone. Maintain health and body shape, especially in people with obesity. Lack of attention and knowledge of the nutritional content of food consumed causes many people with irregular eating patterns and without choosing what foods should be consumed become one of the causes of obesity. Obesity is overweight with excessive fat filling. But obesity can certainly be prevented and repaired with proper food selection knowledge and good to eat. The decision support system can be a solution for obese people to know the food that should be suitable for consumption. By implementing the MOORA method on the decision support system that calculates values automatically by the system and produces the best alternative. So the research results in the form of the best alternative value food that should be consumed are presented in the form of manual calculations that are likened to the calculations on the system with ranking so that the result is a benchmark for obese people to choose suitable food for consumption.

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