Ricki Ananda, Muhammad Amin


Currently the control system on a car that has ever been developed is a robot made by a car that can be controlled using the control system button from Android. In this study, researchers wanted to develop previous research on car robot control systems using 2 commands. The first approval system is by using the command button from android where the system sends data in the form of numbers or letters according to user requests, and other commands using Google Voice. Commands sent sentences as a comparison of data from input to output. At the time of the press command on the android application button, and the given press command sends decimal data consisting of 1, 2, 3, A, B and C explained to activate or move the car robot. While for the second command, make forward, backward, left, right and stop running commands from google voice, explain to activate or move the car robot. Based on this, the use of the controller and interface module HC-05 can be operated using 2 commands, although in the transfer, only 1 command must be used.

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