Nurwati Nurwati


E-Commerce is an Electric Commerce which is very much and popularly used by all people. The increase in buying and selling online, making the number of e-commerce in Indonesia and the great benefits of e-commerce has made researchers conduct e-commerce cluster analysis so that online shop owners can join the most clusters so that they can increase their business. E-commerce clustering analysis based on the number of visitors visiting the e-commerce site or website. Clustering is used to produce the Most, Most, and Enough E-commerce groups. From the results of the clustering, it was found that the e-commerce names Tokopedia, Bukalapak and Shopee were the clusters with the most visitors. Lazada and Blibli are clusters of Many Visitors and JD Id, Orami, Sociolla, zalora, bhinneka, elevenia, blanja, laku6, jakarta Notebook and Ralali are included in the Quite Many Visitors cluster. Clustering data is based on the number of visitors starting in Quartiles 1-2019, Quartiles 2-2019, Quartiles 3-2019, Quartiles 4-2019 and Quartiles 1-2020.


Keywords: Clastering, E-Commerce, Biggest Visitor

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33330/icossit.v1i1.779

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