William Ramdhan, Riki Andri Yusda, Uci Ramadhani


KPU is one of the independent state institutions. In carrying out the KPU, the task is to carry out General Elections (Elections) for Members of the DPR, DPD, DPRD, the Elections of the President and Vice President, and the General Elections of Regional Heads and Deputy Regional Heads. General Election or Election is a means of implementing people's sovereignty which is held directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly and fairly. Lack of socialization or news from the mass media about candidates from each legislative candidate from the KPU for the public makes people not know which candidates are good for them to choose. So that causes many people to be abstentions (non-voter) in the selection of legislative candidates, especially members of the Regional Parliament (DPRD). Therefore, researchers designed an e-campaign application using the ADM Togaf model in the design of the web-based system which contained information about candidates for Elections. This system uses the CodeIgniter framework. CodeIgniter is a PHP framework created based on the View Controlleer (MVC) model which aims to make it easier for the admin to develop the system and make the display more attractive so that people are interested in finding information.

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