Yessica Siagian, Janner Pelanjani Simamora


An expert system is a computer program that mimics thought processes and expert knowledge in resolving a particular problem. Implementation of the expert system can be applied in health, one of them to conduct lung disease diagnosis. According to WHO the case of TBC sufferers in Indonesia in 2017 ranks the largest third in the world. The high incidence of pulmonary disease is caused by several factors, among which the medical personnel who are experts in the field of disease, lack of public awareness of lung health, if experiencing certain symptoms of disease often delay to conduct a medical examination. In addition, air pollution such as smoke from smokers, industrial smoke mills, and the smoke of motor vehicles, when inhalation may cause impaired pulmonary health conditions. Therefore, researchers intend to build an expert system application that can help resolve the problem using the Certainty Factor method. This method provides space on the expert in giving his or her confidence value to the knowledge it reveals. This expert system is used as an initial diagnosis to determine the type of lung disease and as a tool for doctors to make decisions quickly and accurately.

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