Edi Kurniawan, Abdul Karim Syahputra


COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019 is a pandemic that is sweeping the world today. From the WHO data, the number of confirmed cases increases every day, including in Indonesia. Misinformation is commonplace as people are active in seeking information about COVID-19. Valid information and real are needed to be a trusted source of knowledge. In this case, Indonesia ranging from the central government to local governments provide a web-based information portal to make a trusted information center to the community, including in Asahan Regency. Usability is one of the factors in the success of a government website. minimum to find out how easy it is to use and the purpose of its use achieved according to end-users. Usability testing in this study uses the System Usability Scale (SUS) method because SUS is a valid and reliable usability testing tool even with a small sample. The SUS Score results made on the web portal COVID-19 Asahan Regency amounted to 70.19 which shows that the website is acceptable but still not usable as a whole because of grade-scale=C and adjective-rating=ok category. From these results, it can be seen that this portal website still needs to be developed back to a better stage.


Keywords: COVID-19; System Usability Scale (SUS); Usability; Website

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