Zulfan Efendi


In the national mid-term development plan, the Asahan government holds activities that are carried out annually by providing the best village assessment. From this method, the government can increase development, improve the quality of life and welfare of society. The number of villages that became members of the competition became a difficulty in the assessment process. So that there are often mistakes and mistakes in the implementation of village assessments that are not transparent in a transparent manner by the Community and Village Empowerment Service. Because many criteria are used, it adds to the errors in the assessment. There are 5 criteria used in the assessment, namely viewed from the field of government, type of document, the field of society, the field of village administration, the area of territory, and the achievements of the village. This study aims to help provide a decision using the DSS SMART Method by giving weight to each criterion and as a ranking for each village alternative. The data obtained and used is village data in the Asahan district. The result of a decision is taken from the highest score on the village alternative that has been determined in the system. One solution to assist the assessment team in the calculation process in assessing each village is to use a decision support system using the Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) method.

Keywords: decision support system; smart; village


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