Mohd. Siddik, Akmal Nasution


Knowing school academic information is important for parents of students to monitor their children's attendance during school hours, in this way parents will feel more comfortable when their children go to school and attend school hours. Many schools have not implemented a computerized student attendance system so that for attendance reports only monitoring is only the school, by using this presence system monitoring is not only the school but also involves the parents, guardians of students. With these students will be more disciplined. The application of this system based on android by utilizing push notification technology can be a solution in terms of notifying student presence information. This application is looking forward to providing student attendance information and sent to parents of parents via each smartphone automatically, with this it is hoped that it can increase parental supervision of their children. ) where this method produces a design that is acceptable to consumers and can be developed easily.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33330/icossit.v1i1.710

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