Cecep Maulana


This study aims that the learning activity of using multimedia, we called that Computer Assisted Language Learning or (CALL) in English Practice 1 of STMIK Royal for Diploma. The majoring is system impormatic at the first semester students in 2019. It was increased the students' competences to understand about speaking area with Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), as well as, how to give the response of students in using CALL especially for English Practice I. The sample were 36 students of Stmik Royal for diploma (Informatic Management) at the first semester students in 2019. The method used is a classroom action research method that consists of two cycles. Data were obtained the quantitative and qualitative method which found that the initial condition for the students’ cognitive abilities, and students’ learning outcomes. As the result, it was obtained that the rate of learning outcomes through the number of students who got the successfully and increased: 93.73% with an A and B and 85% of students will be showed interest, and responses with CALL. Based on the results of this study, the average value of student tests before doing the CALL was 59.46, and after doing the CALL it was increased about 72.97 in the cycle I and 90.79 in cycle II. it was concluded that English practice 1 with CALL. It will be improved learning outcomes of students, and it was also recommended to conduct further research and the CALL can be used as an alternative learning for lecturers who teach skills courses in an effort to improve student learning outcomes and provides so many options as making teaching interesting and also making teaching more productive in terms of improvements.

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