Uswatun Hasanah, Chitra Latiffani


The rise of divorce cases in Kisaran City tends to increase from year to year mostly as a result of early marriages that are often carried out by local people. Marriage at an early age is indeed very vulnerable to various problems that can affect household harmony. This is in line with the lack of mental readiness and the immature soul of the couple to foster a harmonious, peaceful and harmonic household. Because marriage is not just to justify sexual relations between a man and a woman, but at the same time is also a legal act that results in civil law in the form of rights and obligations for both parties in the household. The real impact of early marriages often causes shock in household life which ends with the breaking of the marriage cord. This study found directly the factors that led to the rise of divorce cases due to early marriage in the City of Range. This research is a field research with qualitative type, which is a study in which primary data is collected by direct observation and interviews with various competent parties as well as through documentation of data contained in the Kisaran City Religious Court Office. The results of this study led to the divorce of young age couples in the Kisaran Religious Court due to economic factors, lack of understanding of religion, education and lifestyle.

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