Irianto Irianto, Sudarmin Sudarmin


Banana fruit is one of the fruits that are consumed by the public in their daily lives, with the status of a tropical country, there are quite a lot of farmers cultivating banana trees with various variants and types of bananas, in general the taste, color, shape and texture of bananas have almost the same at first glance. However, if you feel in more detail, all types of bananas must have something in common and some are almost similar to one type of another. With this condition, many farmers are confused about which bananas are most interested in and which are not, if the farmers plant bananas carelessly without knowing which ones are the most popular and which ones will not affect the income of the harvest. The FMCDM method is a method that will help determine decisions by grouping criteria and several alternatives, after going through a normal calculation process it will produce an integral value as the final result.

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