Elly Rahayu, Nurul Rahmadani


Lecturers are valuable assets in a university, both public and private. A good university must have lecturers who are experts in their fields. Therefore lecturers' evaluation performance needs to be done routinely to make sure lecturers have carried out their duties and responsibilities well. The results of the lecturer performance appraisal are used to consider the leadership to develop the lecturer career.This research aims to compare evaluation performance with the Weight Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) and Vise Kriterijumska Optimizajica I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) method. The used method in this study is descriptive with a quantitative approach that is by using numbers in both calculations of the methods. The object of his research is the decision support system for the lecturers' performance evaluation. The results of his research showed that in evaluating the performance of lecturers using the WASPAS and VIKOR methods the same results were obtained for the best ranking, A10, but there were differences in the results for the next ranking.


Keywords: Decision Support System; Lecturer; VIKOR; WASPAS

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