Guntur Maha Putra


The process of granting home industry food certificates to the City of Tanjungbalai Health Office does not yet have a decision support system that can assist in making decisions quickly and accurately both in terms of the licensor (Dinas Kesehatan) and the certificate applicant (producer), this is because the assessment process is still being carried out manually and do not yet have an integrated system that can facilitate decision making in granting home industry food certificate permits. The adoption of a Decision Support System using the web-based Weight Product (WP) method can assist the Health Office in determining producers who qualify for a food certificate permit under established criteria. This Weight Product (WP) method can give weight to each criterion so that the Health Office has a benchmark in determining which producers meet the requirements for a home industry food certificate. This system also makes it easy for producers to apply for a permit because the system provides information to the permit applicant about the terms, conditions, alternatives, and criteria for obtaining a home industry food certificate permit online

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